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We're getting married


September 2024 | Holland

Welcome to our wedding website! We can't wait to share our special day with you.


Photo by Apart Creators

Our Story 


Norbert and I first crossed paths at a farewell party for a mutual friend. It was a night filled with laughter and celebration, a bittersweet occasion that would lead to the most beautiful chapter of our lives. On that fateful evening, our eyes met, and something magical transpired between us.


He swears that I was the one who couldn't take my eyes off him, but in my heart, I knew it was the other way around. We locked gazes, unable to tear ourselves away from this invisible force pulling us together. It felt as though the universe had conspired to bring us together at that very moment.

A few days later, we took the plunge and added each other on Facebook. What followed were countless late-night messages, each one a glimpse into the soul of the other. We shared stories, dreams, and our deepest fears, forging a connection that transcended time and space.


As the days turned into weeks and weeks into months, it became increasingly clear that we were meant to be. Despite our contrasting personalities, we discovered a beautiful harmony in our differences. I, the perfectionist who sought order in chaos, and he, the easygoing spirit who found joy in life's simplest pleasures.

Our love blossomed, and before we knew it, a year had passed, and we were sharing not just messages but also our lives. We moved in together, navigating the unusual and distinctive things that come with merging two worlds. Norbert's carefree nature met my carefulness head-on, and miraculously, we found a balance that worked.


Our Story

Together, we embarked on adventures, chasing our dreams, and exploring the farthest corners of the world. We reveled in the beauty of new cultures and marveled at the wonders of distant lands. Through it all, our love grew stronger, and we realized that as long as we had each other, we had everything we needed.


Whoever claimed that love at first sight was a myth had clearly never experienced what Norbert and I did that night. Our love story is a testament to the power of destiny and the magic of connection. It's proof that sometimes, when two souls are meant to be, the universe conspires to make it happen.


Our love story is a testament to the power of destiny and the magic of connection.

“Through 13 years of love's journey, from that party where we met, to the horizons we've explored together, our hearts dance to the rhythm of our Caribbean souls”
Duer and Norbert

Official invitations en route

We are thrilled to announce that the date is set! Mark your calendars for a day filled with love, joy, and celebration. On September 14, 2024, we will be joining hands in marriage, and we would be honored to have you witness and share in the joy of our union.

We know your calendars are marked, and that you can’t wait to celebrate with us. Official invitations are on their way. We look forward to creating unforgettable memories with all of you on this special day.

Film by Apart Creators

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